Friday, September 21, 2007

Horus Heresy Era Look for the Space Wolves Shadow Company

In celebration of the divine set of rules found at the Bell of Lost Souls blog the Space Wolves army I am putting together will be a pre heresy Space Wolves army. Although I would love to get my hands on some Iron Armour or Maximus Armour to kit out my army I will gladly settle for an army full of MK VI Corvus Space Marine Armour... aka Beakie Armour.

To get the right look for the MK VI Corvus Armour three the following things must be done. First, you gotta have beakie helmets... check, yup I have these in abundance. Second, you need the proper legs and torso components... check. Finally, you need one smooth shoulder pad and one studded shoulder pad... I do not have these, until now :)

Below are the eight, yes only eight, Heresy shoulder pads I have made for the Space Wolf Army. I took very small flat sided crystals and glued them to the shoulder pads. When they are painted they will look very awesome I am sure.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Space Wolves Return!!

For the last 5 years I have been heavily invested in my Thousand Sons Chaos army. However, I only started playing the Thousand Sons since they are the ancient enemy of my true passion --the Space Wolves! Yet, I havent seen a new army list for almost 10years which has been problematic. But I have heard through the GW rumour mill that the Space Wolves will be getting an update sometime next year. Thus, to celebrate I have started to work on the Space Wolves once again. I want an army full of beakie marines and this is what most of the army will look like.

Ps... this model is simply drybrushed with the grey I am thinking of using... it is not done :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Start of A very Grand Cyberboard Campaign!

I thought I would post up a pic of the ponderous insanity I just placed myself in. I am in the midst of creating an original game that will be played via email via Cyberboard. However, all games need a map and maps are not fun to draw. Below is the basic rough draft of Pyric III that will be the primary planet in the online game. Once complete, I will then scan it into my computer as a bitmap and then transfer it to Cyber Design where I can lay a Hex Grid over it. After that little bit of fun the hard part begins... I will have to create gaming peices practically one pixel at a time... YAY!!!